Educator’s Ag Institute Kicks Off Soon

Educator’s Ag Institute Kicks Off Soon

Teachers head to Penn State this month as the 2023 Educator’s Ag Institute kicks off soon on June 25 at the Penn State Ag Arena where teachers will make their first ag encounter of the week. This year, 35 teachers from across Pennsylvania will participate in one of two sessions offered.

Educator’s Ag Institute serves as a platform for educators to expand their knowledge, exchange ideas, and strengthen their teaching methods in the field of agricultural education. The event provides a unique opportunity for educators to connect with industry experts, learn about innovative teaching practices, and explore new resources to enhance their classroom experiences.

During the institute, participants will have access to a wide range of engaging activities, including workshops, panel discussions, and hands-on demonstrations. They will learn about various topics related to agriculture, including soil health, animal husbandry, plant science, and the integration of technology in farming practices. Renowned experts and industry professionals will share their insights and experiences, allowing educators to gain valuable knowledge and inspiration.

Session 1.0 at Ag Institute, designed for teachers that are brand new to the program, will include tours at Way’s Fruit Farm, the Penn State Dairy Barns, Pasto Ag Museum, and other local farms. New this year, a group of teachers will participate in Session 2.0 starting on June 28. This track is intended for teachers who have attended the institute previously and are looking to expand their ag knowledge even further. Topics for this session will focus on grant writing, lesson planning, ag content knowledge, State Standards and more. Tours will include the Penn State Student Farm, Meats Lab and turfgrass research.

Teachers will be able to earn Act 48 credit hours, receive resources to take back to their classrooms and connect with farmers. Go to to check out the schedules for each session.

Follow the foundation’s Facebook or Instagram pages to follow the teachers as they learn more about agriculture.